ARTS MEET SCIENCE – FREE Tech Learning Events for Artists
Are you an artist who has maybe heard of Raspberry Pi? Do you want to try applying new technology in your work? This series of three hands-on workshops with talks from Mayes Creative and partners is a great way to begin doing just that! Scientists, Tech experts and artists all in one space for somecreative exploration as well as some wider immersion into the arts/science ideas that have informed our Deep Space project.
Next up - building cool stuff using Raspberry Pi!
June 4th Krowji 10am-3pm
June 4th Krowji 10am-3pm
Christopher Hunt is a Creative, Technologist, director of Controlled Frenzy, the creative prototyping, software development and research consultancy and builder of rather cool things.
Chris works with clients to develop engaging audience-focussed technology prototypes, products, and installations to explore their data and ideas so they can grow and adapt to new ways of working, communicating and doing business.
How can we use data to develop our work with Raspberry Pi? Led by creative technologist Chris Hunt ( and Software Cornwall in partnership with Real Ideas Organisation’s GameChanger Programme.
Please book your place by emailing us by clicking here
Chris works with clients to develop engaging audience-focussed technology prototypes, products, and installations to explore their data and ideas so they can grow and adapt to new ways of working, communicating and doing business.
How can we use data to develop our work with Raspberry Pi? Led by creative technologist Chris Hunt ( and Software Cornwall in partnership with Real Ideas Organisation’s GameChanger Programme.
Please book your place by emailing us by clicking here
Amazing FREE Art/Science learning event at Goonhilly last week!
May 14th, 10am - 3pm
Goonhilly Earth Station, Helston
Hosted by Mayes Creative, Goonhilly Earth Station and CAST
We are delighted to be partnering with Goonhilly Earth Station and CAST to offer the special event which took place on Monday 14th from 10am-3pm. A wonderful chance to learn more about how artists work with science and to have a hands on experience of working with the Raspberry Pi mini-computer, followed by a chance to see the wonderful Groundworks film screenings of work by SemiConductor and Simon Starling! Goonhilly Artist in Residence Paula Bolton will be sharing her experience of making work at the site, with an intro to Goonhilly & cosmic rays (the inspiration for Mayes Creative's latest project) by Dr Kat Hickey, Business Development & Training Manager for Goonhilly & Robert Wiltshire, astronomer and Software Cornwall tutor. Thanks to our funders Arts Council England and Feast for helping to make this happen with support from Goonhilly Earth Station Ltd, CAST and Software Cornwall.More info on the Groundwork programme can be found on their website here.
Please book your place by emailing us by clicking here
followed by........
June 4th, 10am – 3pm | Krowji, Redruth
A more data focused workshop event developing on from the previous workshops, led by creative technologist Chris Hunt ( and Software Cornwall in partnership with Real Ideas Organisation’s GameChanger Programme.
Please book your place by emailing us by clicking here
Part of Dark Skies: Bright Stars from Mayes Creative, funded by Arts Council England, Heritage Lottery Fund, FEAST Cornwall and Cornwall Industrial Trust,
with kind support from Software Cornwall,
June 4th, 10am – 3pm | Krowji, Redruth
A more data focused workshop event developing on from the previous workshops, led by creative technologist Chris Hunt ( and Software Cornwall in partnership with Real Ideas Organisation’s GameChanger Programme.
Please book your place by emailing us by clicking here
Part of Dark Skies: Bright Stars from Mayes Creative, funded by Arts Council England, Heritage Lottery Fund, FEAST Cornwall and Cornwall Industrial Trust,
with kind support from Software Cornwall,