Mayes Creative’s residencies offer a chance to engage with professionals from various fields including the arts, science and the environment.
Each one-off residency offers a great opportunity to expand your expertise and encourage your curiosity.
It is a brilliant way to connect with the Communities of Cornwall, Isles of Scilly, and beyond either virtually or face-to-face through
exciting and creative experiences.
For a better idea of what our residencies offer, please take a look at our previous events.
Each one-off residency offers a great opportunity to expand your expertise and encourage your curiosity.
It is a brilliant way to connect with the Communities of Cornwall, Isles of Scilly, and beyond either virtually or face-to-face through
exciting and creative experiences.
For a better idea of what our residencies offer, please take a look at our previous events.
Spring In The Woods: Immersive Analogue
Bracken Tor Destination Dartmoor
Cot Valley Residency Nov 22
Starlight - Virtual Artists' Residency
Watching the Sun - Virtual Artists' Residency
Sound Signatures: Films inspired by sound